These black bear pictures were taken in my back yard this past summer
of 2007. Black bears are relatively common in the Berkshire Hilltowns
of Western Massachusetts. We also see a lot of deer and wild turkey. Occasionally moose are spotted.
The blue jay and fox pictures were taken in February of

"Climbing a tree in Joe's
back yard I found something tasty."
"Ooops! I hear someone taking my
"Is that honey I smell?"

"I'll just sneak through
the shrubs and maybe they won't see me."
"I think I'll just wonder down the
driveway and split this joint."

"You again! Taking more
pictures huh? Would you like me to take one
of you?"
"Sure beats digging in the snow for
"I know he puts out scraps for me
"Ahh! Here it is."
"Leave me alone to eat please!"