This Office Table will be constructed from cherry,
very possibly curly cherry. It measures 30" high,
72" long and 30" wide. The top is 1" thick and will
be edged with a very gentle curve to minimize pain
from prolonged arm resting.
The legs are tapered starting from 1 3/4" stock at
the top and tapering to 1 1/8" at the bottom. There
is one draw, 22 7/8" wide, 23" front to back and 2
1/4" deep. The legs and aprons are joined with
mortise and tenon joinery and reinforced with pegs. The
Drawer construction is traditional hand dovetail
joinery with tapered floating bottoms.
have been wanting an office table for a number of
years, but my list of projects for others has been
so long that I haven't been able to sneak it in. An
exploded view is shown at right. This is a rather
simple project and shouldn't take long. Actually I
have two quick projects I am going to sneak in
before returning to my honey-do list. The other is a
wall hanging cabinet which will house my hand tools.
But don't tell anyone. If I get caught I'm in deep
This piece will be finished with many coats of high
gloss MinWax Wipe-On Poly because it will receive
lots of wear.
By the way, you may have noticed that I am now using
SketchUp 6 to draw my plans instead of TurboCADTM
Professional. I find SketchUp to be quicker,
friendlier and much easier to texture. So, from now
on my plans will be available in SketchUp native
files, complete with dimensioning and texturing.
You can download this one from my
Furniture Plans page.
first milling step in making the table is to mortise
3/8" by 4 1/2" mortises 1 1/8" deep. There are two
per leg for a total of eight. These could be done by
hand using a mallet and mortising chisel, or with a
router, or even with a drill press and chisel. But
the quickest way is to use a dedicated mortiser.
This Powermatic mortiser has a table which can be
finely positioned in two orthogonal directions; and
the bit can be raised and lowered to plunge into the
stock. In the picture above left I am using a 3/8"
mortising bit. For those of you not familiar with a
dedicated mortiser and bits, the bit is like a four
sided chisel with a hole down the center for an
auger bit. The auger removes most of the material
while the four sided chisel produces a square hole.
By moving the table in one direction and plunging
the bit into the stock you can produce perfect
mortises as shown at right. Some cleanup is needed
and the chisel is the perfect tool for the job.
next step is to taper the legs. Most woodworkers
taper their legs using a table saw and a tapering
jig. I have also. However, I have always thought
this technique to be rather dangerous. So now I draw
the taper on one leg, set up an angled fence on my
bandsaw (just a board clamped to the table) and
rough cut the taper. Once the fence is set up you
don't need to mark the remaining legs.
Alternatively, you don't even need the fence if you
can accurately follow a line by hand. Leave just
enough for the drum sander to finish the job. For
that purpose I use a poor man's taper jig that I
construct with double sided sticky tape, two 3/4" by
2" pieces, and a flat surface such as plywood or
particle board. As shown in the picture at left
above, I use a table top that once was the extension
table for a contractor's saw. It has served no
useful purpose in my shop until this application.
keep the legs from flopping all around I tape them
together with blue masking tape and then I run the
whole setup through the Performax 22/44 Pro Drum
Sander shown right. A side benefit of this technique
is that the Performax both tapers and finish sands
the legs. I have 220 grit paper in the machine for
this operation. Other than breaking the edges there
is nothing more that needs to be done to the legs
before applying a finish. The drum sander is a very
useful tool. I bring all of my stock to final
dimension by making a few passes through it. Frame
and panel doors or divided light doors can benefit
from a few light passes to remove minor height
differences in jointed material. Figured woods,
which typically chip in the planer, can be finished
with the drum sander and the chip out is
simultaneously removed.
finished legs are shown at left. Note that the
mortises are on the far face of the shared corner.
They are positioned so that the apron is close to,
but not on, the face of the leg. In this case they
set back 3/16". This provides a nice shadow line
from the leg to the apron. Legs are tapered largely
for the esthetic value. But here is a thought
provoking question. Is it possible that legs are
smaller at the bottom to save material, but taper to
the top to provide enough headroom for the tenons?
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
aprons have tenons on each end to match the mortises
milled in the legs. The front apron has an opening
for a drawer front. This opening can be created by
gluing up four pieces to make the front apron, or by
cutting a rectangular hole in the front. The latter
has the advantage of preserving the grain pattern
and showing no glue lines. This is the approach used
here. To cut the square hole I first laid it out,
then bored a hole near an inside opening edge with a
forstner bit and the drill press. The hole is large
enough to allow for turning a jig saw blade in any
direction. I cut along the layout line getting as
close as I dare without touching it. This is
intended to be a rough cutout. See picture at right.
I use a straight spiral patterning bit in my table
top router to clean up the edges. Here is where
double sided sticky tape (carpet tape) comes in
handy. Using sticky tape I tape temporary guides to
one long side and both ends. The bearings on the
pattern bit will follow the guides and cut the edges
perfectly clean, shown left. I then move the guides
to the other long side and ends and complete the
The patterning bit leaves round corners which need
to be squared up. This can be done with a very sharp
chisel and mallet, or a flat flexible saw blade like
those used to cut dowels at the surface. Squaring
the corners might not be necessary if I were going
to mount the drawer on metal slides, but I am going
to trim the door opening with contrasting black
walnut beading.
milling the tenons with the aid of a dado blade set
and band saw, it is time for a dry fitting. Dry
fitting, as shown at right, is important for several
reasons. First, it allows for testing the fit of the
joinery. Mortise and tenons should fit rather tight
but still go together and come apart, with at most,
gentle taps of a dead blow. Any tighter and you risk
Second, dry fitting is the time I use to figure out
my gluing and clamping strategy. I go through all
the steps I will use to glue, clamp and clean up.
This forces me to have all my tools out and ready.
I use this time to estimate how long the glue up
will take, which drives decisions such as: do I need
the aid of another person, should I use Extend glue
for longer working time or in which order should I
put pieces together. In this case I decided to glue
up in two steps. First I glued the legs to the end
aprons and left them to set up. Then I proceeded to
glue the front and back apron to the legs. Even so,
because of the length of the table I needed help to
finish the glue up.
The drawer needs a frame work to hold it in place
and guide it as it travels in and out. This
structure is similar to I beams and in fact adds a
great deal of strength to the table. As shown in the
picture above left the drawer guides are held in
place with pocket hole joinery. The pocket holes are
drilled at the exact angle needed to allow a special
screw to tow the boards together and get maximum
depth into the front apron without punching through.
At the same time the pocket hoes are drilled, so too
is a pilot hole for the screw. This is all
accomplished thanks to a special jig and bit made by
can be used to add strength to the pocket hole
joinery, but because this is an end grain to face
grain joint it does not provide a lot of strength.
Instead I chose to use angle braces shown in the
picture at right. Notice the angle brace on the
outside of the apron. That is held in place with
double sided sticky tape and provides the opposite
surface for clamping as shown left. Double sided
sticky tape (or carpet tape as it is known in the
trade) has many uses in the shop. I keep a number of
rolls of varying width on hand. Occasionally the
tape will leave a residue on the wood surface. Do
not panic, it can easily be removed with a cloth and
mineral spirits, and mineral spirits will not harm
the wood.
angle braces in the front pose another clamping
problem. The hole in the front leaves no place to
tape braces on the opposite side. But this is
actually a more common situation for which there is
a commercial solution. The clamp faces of the
Quick-Grip Bar Clamps can be fitted with attachments
of all sorts. The attachment shown left is perfect
for the clamping situation we have here. Simply
remove the yellow pad and replace it with the corner
attachment and we are good to go. See picture below
angle brace will add all the strength this joint
will need. But there is one concern. Notice that the
angle brace and the apron are a cross grain
situation. Any time cross grain appears in a glue
joint it demands attention. In this case the apron
is about five inches wide; the analysis I performed,
with the aid of a moisture meter and software
program, assured me that this will not be a
problem. If it were to be a problem I could have
used two shorter braces with a small gap in the
middle and that would have solved it.
these corner braces would be a pain if I didn't have
the perfect tool. The braces are 2" by 2" on the
right angle sides. To cut them I simply tilted my
band saw table to 45 degrees as shown in the picture
at left. Notice by moving the fence to the right it
doubles as a fixture to hold the stock from falling
off the table.
the table top to the table also demands attention to
seasonal changes. Since the top is wide,
approximately 30", with the grain running
lengthwise, we can expect its width will change rather dramatically over an entire season. My
analysis says it will change by 15/32" in the
western part of Massachusetts, where it will reside.
allow for this expansion/contraction I use two types
of fasteners. One type is shown right above. It
looks like a figure eight and has two holes for
screws. The fastener is let into the apron the same
depth as the thickness of the fastener with a
forstner bit. Click on the picture for an
enlargement to see how the whole is opened to the
front and sides to allow the fastener to move
laterally. The fastener is screwed to the apron from
above, and when the top is added, screwed to it from
below. These fasteners I use on the end aprons
because the relief motion is ideally suited, and
because there is room inside the corner braces to
fit them. On the fronts I use a biscuit jointer to
cut a slot and use metal clips that hold the top
down while still allowing it to move.
In the picture at left you can see the drawer
structure clamped and waiting for the glue to set
Chiefwoodworker's Blog I posted an article on
The Design & Construction of a Traditional Drawer.
Here I describe the crafting of a traditional
drawer. I'll start with the bottom. This office
table's drawer is rather wide, deep and shallow. The
bottom of the drawer is almost 24" square. If I used
a three piece glue-up to construct it, each piece
would be a minimum of 8". Since my jointer
is only 8" I decided on a six piece glue-up, each
piece approximately 4 1/2". I first glued up three
pairs of two boards to get three pieces
approximately 9" wide. The picture at right shows
these three pairs sitting side by side. If you look
closely (click to enlarge the picture) you can see
these pairs are not yet joined. I like to mark triangles
with a carpenter's crayon to remind me how I plan to join boards.
Before applying glue and clamps,
the edges have first to be prepared. Three
conditions are important to achieve a joint stronger
than the surrounding stock. First the edges must be recently jointed or planed so that
surface oils from the wood, or dirt from the environment,
are removed. Second, the edges must be in the same
plane, i.e. coplanar. That means that each edge must
meet the other at all points of their respective
surfaces. This doesn't require that both edges are
square, but they should be very close. Third, you
must use the appropriate glue and maintain the
appropriate temperature for curing.
To assure condition three is met I use Titebond
Original for most applications; Extend when I need
more time, or Type III when moisture is an issue. My
shop is heated so temperature is always well within
the curing range.
assure condition one I plane my edges just
prior to glue-up. I never rely on recently sawed or
joined edges. In my opinion the best joint requires
planed edges. Edges planed just prior to glue-up plays right into
assuring condition two, that is, to be sure both
edges are coplanar. To do this I mark boards to
be joined as shown above right. Then I fold two
boards together, the two that form the joint, such
that the marked sides are facing each other. I align
the edges as best I can and clamp them together.
Next I put the sandwich in a vice and plane the pair
of edges that are to be joined as shown at left.
It is possible that, if not careful, the edges will
be planed slightly out of square. But that will not
matter if they were folded correctly. It is akin to
a board that is ripped along its length with the
table saw blade set a little off ninety degrees. If
you put that joint back together with the edges
joined as they were cut there will be no gaps. The
same is true when you fold and plane.
edges do have to be straight, or flat. Shown right
above I check the for flatness using a straight
edge. After all joints are treated the same way I
can apply glue, bring the panel together according
to my markings, and apply clamping pressure. The
final panel is shown at left, waiting for the glue to
cure. The manufacturer says that glued pieces can be
worked after just one hour of curing. I always let
them sit overnight because I don't want to risk
stressing which may weaken the joint.
few additional comments about glue-ups. I don't use
biscuits. I don't believe they add strength, in fact
may reduce joint strength. I have never been able to
achieve alignment as well with biscuits as I can by
carefully hand aligning and tightening the clamps.
But I also leave my stock 1/16" to 1/8" thicker than
final, and use my PerformaxPro 22 - 44 Drum Sander
to bring the glue-up to final thickness as shown at
right. Notice that the panel hangs over the side of
the drum sander, about 2" in this case. I can flip
the panel on alternate passes, effectively providing
capacity for a 44" panel. This comes in handy,
especially for wide panels and figured woods. A
traditional planer often will leave figured stock
with tear outs. Not the drum sander. This machine is
worth its weight in gold.
I have completed milling all drawer pieces to size I
have five parts; a back, two sides, front and bottom
as shown left. The next step is to mark the back,
sides and front for dovetailing. I start by marking
the ends with the thickness of the mating parts. The
back and sides are 1/2". The front is 3/4"
thick. However, the
tails that will mate with it are blind tails and
therefore only set in 1/2". This allows me to set
the marking gauge to 1/2" and leave it that way for
the marking of all pieces. Shown right I am marking
the end of a side.
By the way, here is a tip about setting the marking
gauge. One you set it, leave it set until after
glue-up. You will be surprised how often you put the
gauge away only to discover you missed one mark up.
Then you have to match the original setting risking
a slightly different setting.
The marking gauge I use has a round blade that is
beveled toward the depth gauge side. This tends to
force the depth gauge tight to the board and
produces a clean straight mark. In addition, the
mark is cut across the grain and is deep enough to
provide a guide for chiseling as will be seen later.
A close up of the gauge and its resultant mark can
be seen below left.
I mark the tails. There is a lot written and debated
about whether to mark tails or pins first. You can
read all this material and join in the debate, but
in the end all that matters is what works best for you.
I am a tails first guy. Don't ask me to justify it
with facts or reason. I just prefer it.
With a pencil I mark off a half pin on each end of
the side's end. Enlarge the picture at right to see
the two half pin lines 1/4" in from each end. Next,
I use a divider and through trial & adjustment I set
it such that when I gently step it across the board
(leaving no marks), starting at a half pin mark, it
ends even with the other edge, shown at left below.
In this case, because the drawer is so shallow, it
only takes one step. If the drawer were wider I
would decide how many tails I wanted and adjust the
such that the last step still ended at the edge. The
divider setting that satisfies this condition turns
out to be the width of one tail and one pin.
I have the divider properly adjusted I again walk it
across the board but this time apply pressure to
mark the board. I must walk it from both half pin
marks to complete the marking. Using a dovetail
marking tool (not shown) I complete the marking
shown right. Notice the two small holes created by the
divider. I can place my pencil in these holes, slide
the dovetail marking tool up against it and draw
lines across and down the side. I am careful to stop
the vertical line at the horizontal mark
left by the marking gauge. If I am sloppy and extend
this line beyond the horizontal mark I am apt to
follow it with the saw. Note I mark the waste areas
with an X. No matter how accomplished one gets
cutting dovetails this step should never be
eliminated. It is too easy to cut away the wrong
piece if not reminded by these marks.
picture at left shows how the tail cuts are made
using a dovetail saw. I prefer a western style
dovetail saw with a rigid back. I have tried
Japanese Dozuki Saws and like how easily they start,
and how quickly they cut. But I just feel more in
control with a
Lie-Nielsen 15 ppi Dovetail Saw. The most
important parts of this cut is to cut exactly
perpendicular to the face of the board and to stop
at the horizontal marking gauge line. Try to follow
the vertical line exactly, but if you don't it is
not a real problem; these tails will be
used as a mask and copied onto the pin board, hence the error will be self
I use a fret saw to remove the majority of the
waste. I cut as close to the horizontal line as I
dear making sure to leave enough material so that
the marking gauge line can guide my chisel. This is
where the Xs marking the waste comes in. If you have
lots of tails, as you would in say a six board
chest, it is awfully easy to be cutting along and
cut a tail off. That ruins the whole piece.
I use a sharp chisel to clean up the waste, shown
left. This can be a tedious step if you have a lot
of tails, but in this case there is only one clean up per
end. This task is made much easier if your chisel is
very sharp. I like to sharpen mine just prior to use
and several time through a project if I have a lot
of work. The sharpening is easy and quick. It also
affords you a break from chiseling.
When the tails are complete on both ends of each
side I use them as a mask to mark the pins on the
front and back. I then use a similar process to
craft the pins. Completed tails and pins can be seen
at right. Note the pencil lines on the edges of the pins on the
top board. Since the tails were used as a mask I cut
the pins such that I just leave the pencil lines.
This will assure a snug fit. Also note how
perpendicular the tail ends are to the face. This is
very important.
one of the most important tools in the shop is the
coffee cup, full of hot coffee, shown above right.
This tool is essential when hand cutting dovetails.
It calms
the nerves and steadies the hand. I use whole bean
Eight O'clock coffee
and grind it fresh.
The most difficult of dovetails is the half blind
dovetail - the socket that is. The tails are used as
a mask. The dovetail saw is used to cut
the side of the socket, which is a compound
cut because you must hold the saw forty-five degrees
to the end and eight degrees to the sides. This
provides only a partial cut of the socket side. The
rest is done with the chisel.
The completed half blind dovetail is shown above
right. Notice you can still see the marking gauge
scribe lines. Most cabinetmakers leave these lines
as a signature of hand dovetails.
completed pins can be seen in the picture at left.
Notice that the pencil marks can still be seen on
the edge of the pins. Leaving these lines
provided a nice snug fit. Not so tight as to cause
splitting and not so loose as to leave gaps.
Finally, a view of the finished through dovetails,
including the beveled and notched bottom is shown in the
picture at right. In this picture you can see how
the beveled bottom rests in the dado and touches at
only one point all along its edge, decreasing
friction and binding so that the bottom can expand
and contract freely. In fact you can see that the
bottom has already expanded somewhat in the recent
humid hot weather.
Also shown in the picture at right above is a notch
in the center of the beveled bottom. After the final
finish has been applied and dried I will drive a
screw and flat washer through the grove and into the
back, tightening it just enough to support the wide
bottom, but not so tight as to impede
expansion and contraction.
table top is an exercise in large panel glue-up.
Since this top is 30" W x 72" L, extra care must be
taken to plane and thickness the boards so that the
desired final thickness can be achieved. This is
substantially more difficult when each piece is 6'
long. My starting material had a fair amount of
twist, warp and bow. Still I was able to achieve
3/4" final thickness in all pieces except one, which
had a small area of remaining rough sawyer cuts
shown right. I simply placed this board such that
the "flaw" was on the bottom. It actually adds to
the piece. Two hundred years from now an antique
dealer will point this out to a customer as proof
that this is a hand made piece.
top is fastened to the table with clips and figure
eight shaped fasteners designed to allow expansion
and contraction as the temperature and humidity
change with the seasons. This prevents wood
splitting and joint failure due to the forces that
would otherwise be exerted by these seasonal
stock for this top was part of a load I bought from
a sawyer who supplied lumber to pallet makers. To
him this was junk wood. I purchased it for $1.50 per
bf. Warp, twist and bow notwithstanding, you can see
from the picture at left that this is highly figured
tiger maple. Figured maple is traditionally stained
a reddish brown color to make the figure pop out.
However, I wanted all species of this piece to show
their natural beauty, so I finished it with a clear
maple was also used in the drawer construction;
tiger maple for the sides and back and blistered
maple for the drawer front. The drawer front was
contrasted to the cherry with the aid of a black
walnut bead surrounding the drawer opening.
finished table, shown right, is a blend of four wood
species and five wood grain figures. There are seven
coats of finish (and perhaps more to come) to
provide for the abuse it is likely to take in an
office environment. The drawer provides space for an
organizer and other necessary office supplies and
All in all this was a challenging project, but
one that will serve me well for years to come. I
think this piece will definitely be fought over by
my children, once I have gone to the bigger workshop
in the sky.